التذكير بكلمة المرور
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Reset password

Reset Password

Can't sign in? Forgot your password?
To reset your password, enter your phone number or email and the last 4 digits of your ID. You will receive a link to create a new password via email.
If you don't get an email from us within few minutes please be sure to check your spam filter.
The email will be coming from Self.Service@omantel.om.
You will receive a link to create a new password via email:
Please enter one time password that was sent by SMS to :
Please enter one time password that was sent by SMS to :
Set a new password for your account
  • Min 10 characters
  • 1 Upper case
  • 1 Digit
  • 1 special character
  • Continuous numbers are not allowed e.g. Xyz@123 or yxe@456