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Standard Customer Agreement

Registrant Agreement

These Terms and Conditions set out the way in which Oman Telecommunications Company . SAOG (“Omantel”) will provide Domain Name Registration Services (the “Services”) to you.
In this Registrant Agreement (the “Agreement”) the following words and expressions have the meaning hereby assigned to them ( You ) or (for You) shall refer to the Registrant and ( We ) or ( Us) shall refer to Omantel. Authority means Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (“TRA”)
By signing an application form for the Services (in paper form or on-line), you make an Agreement with us that these Terms and Conditions will govern our relationship. Your use of the Services is also governed by and subject to the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (“TRA”) regulations, decisions, directives, and guidelines issued from time to time.

  1. Services supplied
    • Omantel will provide you with the Services ordered by you as shown on your application form. The Registrant shall provide the minimum information required in the service application.     
    • We will list the Registration applications that meet the requirements according to the precedence of these applications as per the time and date of submission.     
    • You may request cancelling a Service within 3 working days from the registration date and we shall refund to you all the registration fees. In all cases, the cancellation is considered effective only after five days from the cancellation request date without being withdrawn, however if the cancellation request is withdrawn during that period, the cancellation request shall be considered null and void.     
    • Charges will apply for the registration and use of the Services as described in the application form.   
    • You shall be deemed to have received notices from us regarding this Agreement if we contact the latest email address you have given us. We will also post all changes to our pricing and Terms and Conditions on our website www.omantel.om    
    • The domain name shall be entered on the register for a minim period of (1) year and shall not exceed (5) years. Renewal for similar period/s may be considered provided that we receive a 90 days’ notice prior to the expiration of the registration or previous renewal.  
    • In the event the registration of the domain name has been expired without being renewed, the domain name will be suspended for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days during which you may not use it or introduce any amendments thereon. The suspension shall be ceased if you during the aforementioned period take the necessary renewal procedures, however if such period has been expired and no renewal action has been taken, the registration shall be considered null and you have no right to use the domain name save only under a new registration in accordance with the TRA’s Regulations.   
  2. Your Domain Name
    • You acknowledge that the domain name is not an item of property accordingly you may not sell, waive, or dispose it in any way except in accordance with the TRA’s Regulations.      
    • You agree that the Domain Name you want to register complies with all TRA’s Regulations (including but not limited to the Domain Name Eligibility Regulations).    
    • You agree that: 
      • all information submitted to register the registration of the domain name are true, complete and correct, and are not misleading in any way.      
      • the domain name applied for does not interfere with or infringe the rights of any third party with respect to registered trade mark, service mark, trade name or any other intellectual property right.  
      • the use of the Domain Name shall only be for its own use and for lawful purposes that do not violate public order and prevailing laws.  
      • You do not have any proprietary right arising from the Domain Name or the entry of the Domain Name in the Registry Database.
  3. Privacy, account details and passwords   
    • You undertake that all information you give to us is correct and complete, and you must notify us if your account details, including change of your email address, and any change on the following: 
      • Your account details may be used to verify your identity for access to the Services; you must keep your account details safe.      
      • Your password is confidential to you alone; you must keep it secret. We will not be responsible for any loss you suffer as a result of not keeping your password secret.    
      • We will only allow access to your account (including making changes to the account) to you as account holder, using your password.   
      • We reserve the right to disclose your personal account information with the legal and judicial authorities in accordance with the procedures provided in the Laws of Sultanate of Oman. Data obtained from the access will be deleted once the data has served the purpose for which it was obtained.
  4. Paying for the Services   
    • You agree to pay the charges for all Services that you order, at the prices and in the manner set out in application form.
  5. Acknowledgment   
    • By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you acknowledge that Omantel is acting as a licensee by the TRA to provide the Service in accordance with the Registrant Agreement and you particular acknowledge and accept:     
      • That in no event shall the TRA be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising from or in connection with any breach by Registrar of its obligations under any agreement between Registrar and the Registrant.
      • That Omantel has the right and the obligation to disclose to the TRA Registry all information reasonably required to register the Domain Name.
      • TRA has the right to publicly disclose to third parties, all information relating to your Domain Name including information to enable the TRA to maintain a public Whols service provided any disclosure is in accordance with the TRA’s Regulations. 
      • To comply with all TRA’s Regulations at all times. You should review all regulations carefully, including but not limited to:       
        • Reserved names requirements (clause 5 of TRA’s Resolution No. 119/2012 which explains which Registrations are prohibited)    
        • Domain Name eligibility criteria (clause 14-22 of TRA’s Resolution No. 119/2012 which sets out the Eligibility Criteria)    
        • Domain Name Transfer – Change of Registrant (setting the rules for transferring Domain Name Registration) 
        • Privacy requirements and Whols Data Collection and access to such data (setting out how your data and data relating to your Domain Name will be collected and used) 
        • Domain Name Renewal, Expiry & ,cancelation & Termination Regulations (setting out the rules for renewal, expiry, cancelation& & Termination)
        • Domain Name Dispute Resolution requirements (setting out the rules you and a third party can contest the registration or use of a domain name)
  6. Your responsibilities in relation to the Services:   
    • You agree that you will:     
      • pay all charges for the Services that you order and/or use
      • follow our instructions in respect of the Service
      • use the Services responsibly, and in compliance with the laws of the Sultanate of Oman and the TRA’s Regulations
      • It is prohibited to use the Service to distribute malware, operation of botnets, phishing, piracy, trademark or copyright infringement, fraudulent or deceptive practices, counterfeiting or otherwise engaging in activity contrary to Oman law
      • not resell the Services
      • not apply for or use the Services in any way which breaches the intellectual property rights of any third party
      • Indemnify Omantel against any loss or damage that Omantel suffers as a result of your failure to comply with this Agreement or with the TRA’s Regulations
      • supply further documentation and information that we may request in order to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations
      • Notify us in the event of changing your data, with the new data within thirty (30) days of the amendment date, and we shall update that data in the WHOIS Service within five working days of the notification date
      • Will be responsible for transferring your Registered Domain Name to a different service provider, in accordance with TRA’s regulations
  7. Warranties:   
    • Warranties are statements of fact that you declare to be true. By agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you:     
      • Warrant that you meet, and will continue to meet, the Eligibility Criteria prescribed in the TRA’s Regulations relating to the registration of a Domain name. In the event you no longer meet the Eligibility criteria, your Domain Name Registration may be cancelled
      • Warrant, without limitation, that all the information supplied to Omantel for the Registration of the Domain Name is true, complete and correct. Omantel or TRA shall cancel the Registration of the Domain Name if any of the warranties are not true.
      • warrant that you have not previously submitted a Domain Name with another Registrar which is the same as the Domain Name you are now submitting to Omantel where: (a) you are relying on the same Eligibility Criteria for both Domain Names and (b) the Domain Name has been previously rejected by the other Registrar.
  8. Amendments   
    • If you want to transfer sponsorship of your Domain Name to a different registrar (other than Omantel) we will assist you to do so in accordance with TRA’s Regulations without incurring additional charges on your part. We shall decide over the transfer request within (3) days from the date of receipt and we shall inform you of our decision accordingly.
    • Omantel may make changes to its Services (including withdrawal of a Service subject to TRA approval in which case Omantel will assist you in transferring your registration to another Registrar), or to its prices and Terms and Conditions in accordance with the regulations established from time to time. Omantel will give you 20 days’ notice of any alteration to its prices (unless the change is a reduction in prices for the Services, in which case less notice may be given) and 15 days’ notice of any non-price related changes which will affect you. Your continued use of the Services after such notice will be construed as an acceptance of such changes. If you do not accept a change, you must contact us within (7) days to cancel that Service or transfer to another Registrar without any additional charges on Omantel’s part.
  9. Domain Name Cancellation   
    • When we are informed that the entity that held the Domain Name registration no longer exists, we will give notice to the Registrant Contact listed in the Registry Database that the Domain Name Registration is cancelled and the Domain Name will be deleted in 30 calendar days. We will use reasonable commercial endeavors to give notice.
    • We may cancel the Domain Name when we are notified that you no longer meet the Eligibility criteria to use the Domain Name. You may submit an appeal to the Authority against this decision within 14 days from the date of suspension or cancellation, however, in the absence of the appeal or if the appeal is rejected, the registration shall be considered terminated.
  10. Transferring this Agreement   
    • Under this Agreement, Omantel agrees to provide the Services only to you. You may not transfer this Agreement or an account without Omantel’s prior consent and any transfer must be in accordance with the TRA’s Regulations (please see the Domain Name Transfer – Change of Registrant requirement).
  11. Circumstances where Omantel can suspend or terminate the Services:   
    • Omantel may suspend or terminate the Services at any time without notice subject to TRA approval in the event that:    
      • It is shown to us and we have justifiable reason that you are failing to comply with this Agreement in any way (we will reinstate the Service as soon as we are satisfied that this is not the case), in particular where you fail to meet the Eligibility criteria to use the Domain Name       
      • It is shown to us and we have justifiable reason that unusual or fraudulent activity is occurring on the account (we will reinstate the Service/account as soon as we are satisfied that this is not the case)
      • you fail to pay renewal charges
      • we are required to do so by any government, regulatory organization, emergency Service, or other competent authority, or TRA.
      • you become bankrupt or enter into an arrangement with your creditors (or equivalent legal procedure in any other relevant jurisdiction), or we believe it is likely that you will do so shortly.
      • Where we suspend a Service under one of the provisions in this Clause, you shall not be entitled to any refund of the registration fees.
  12. Termination of a Service of this Agreement   
    • If you want to terminate a Service you should contact Omantel Call Center. However, all Services must be taken for at least the minimum contract term specified on the application form.
    • If you terminate any Service before the end of your minimum contract term for that Service you will be required to pay for that Service until the end of the minimum contract term and we will not refund any charges paid in advance for the minimum contract term.
    • If you terminate all Services you have ordered from us, then this Agreement will be terminated automatically, and we will close your account. Upon closure of your account all outstanding charges payable by you will become immediately payable.
    • In case of termination of the Accreditation Agreement for any reason stated in the Accredited Registrar Agreement, we shall:     
      • Immediately cease providing the registration services, and notify you of the termination of the accreditation
      • Coordinate with the accredited registrars who are identified by the Authority to complete the transfer your registered domain name in accordance with the instruction of the TRA within 14 days.
  13. Legal liability   
    • We will not be liable (whether for breach of contract, negligence or any other liability arising under or in relation to this Agreement) for any actions by us or anyone who works for us, except to the extent that such liability cannot be excluded under Sultanate of Oman law or any TRA’s Regulations.
    • We shall not be liable to you for any loss of business, revenue, profits or anticipated savings, data being lost or corrupted, or any indirect or consequential loss suffered by you.
    • We shall not be liable to you (a) for the temporary non-availability of our network or the Domain Name registration system, (b) for loss, late receipt or non-readability of any message or communication, (c) for any defects, malfunctions or delays in any way connected with the provision of the Services.
    • If we cannot provide the Services for a reason which is outside our control, then we cannot accept any responsibility for such lack of Services.
    • This Clause 14 will continue to apply even after this Agreement has terminated.
  14. If you want to make a complaint   
    • If you have a complaint about the Services you should contact our Call Center in accordance with the Domain Name Registration Complaints Handling provisions. We will resolve any complaints quickly and amicably and no later than 15 days from receipt of your complaint. Should the matter remain unresolved after 15 days, you may refer the matter to the TRA.
    • This Agreement is governed by the laws of the Sultanate of Oman. 
  15. Disputes   
    • Any disputes between you and a third party (that is, a party other than Omantel or the TRA) concerning the registration or use of a domain name by you shall be governed by the TRA’s Dispute Resolution Provisions.

Unified Service Agreement for Beneficiaries


In the application of the provisions of this Agreement, the words and phrases contained herein shall have the same meaning as specified in the Telecommunications Service Beneficiaries' Rights Regulation. Additionally, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings indicated beside each of them unless the context requires otherwise:


Clause (1): Definitions


  1. Company: Oman Telecommunications Company S.A.O.G (Omantel).
  2. Authority: The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority.
  3. Beneficiary: The person to whom telecommunications services are provided or who requests such services from the Company.
  4. Telecommunications services: The services as defined in the Telecommunications Regulatory Law and provided by the company in whole or in part, regardless of the systems or means used in doing so.
  5. Unified Service Agreement: A general agreement for beneficiaries that includes the terms and methods of providing the beneficiary with licensed telecommunications services.
  6. Service Contract: The contract concluded between the Company and the beneficiary for the provision of the service.
  7. Consumption Limit: The amount agreed upon between the Company and the beneficiary upon requesting telecommunications services or any subsequent amendment thereof, and the beneficiary and the company may agree that the consumption limit be either cumulative or monthly. In all cases, the invoice shall not exceed the agreed consumption limit.
  8. Financial Guarantee: A financial amount deposited by the beneficiary with the company as a guarantee for the payment of any subsequent financial obligations that become due to the company.
  9. Force Majeure: Events that cannot be foreseen or avoided or guarded against or confronted with effective preventive measures without any fault or negligence, including but not limited to natural disasters, wars, and pandemics, which result in the execution of the contractual obligation, even if it does not become impossible, becoming onerous.
  10. Fair Usage Policy: Means a policy aimed at protecting network resources available to beneficiaries by imposing a set of restrictions or maximum limits to ensure that the service is not misused and that each beneficiary caan use the service fairly.
  11. International Mobile Equipment Identifier (IMEI): A unique 15-digit number assigned by the Global System for Mobile Communications Association (GSMA), to every mobile device in the world and cannot be duplicated on any other mobile device.




Clause (2)       Terms and Conditions for Providing Telecommunications Services


2-1      This Agreement shall come into effect upon the Company's acceptance to provide the service, pursuant to the Service Application Form, which shall be considered an integral part of this Agreement and complementary thereto.


This Agreement shall continue until:

  • Legal Termination thereof by either party in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
  • Expiration of its term. The Company shall provide the Beneficiary with a copy of the Service Agreement after it is signed. And to make a copy of this Agreement available.


2-2      The Beneficiary agrees to pay the applicable tariff, and the Company undertakes to provide the service in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, while adhering to and complying with the accreditations and approvals issued by the Authority.


2-3      For services that have not yet been activated by the Company; The Company undertakes to notify the Beneficiary of the date of activation of the service. In the event that the expected date for the activation of the service for the Beneficiary is not known, the Company shall notify the Beneficiary in writing, stating the reasons that prevent the knowledge of the expected date of activation of the service. The Company also undertakes to inform the Beneficiary of the latest developments periodically.


2-4      The international data roaming service is provided upon request from the Beneficiary.

Unless agreed otherwise, the international data roaming service is a separate service from the international roaming voice service.

The Company undertakes to stop the local data service or international roaming service as soon as the Beneficiary consumes the entire data of the package he has subscribed to. In the event that this service is stopped, the Company undertakes to notify the Beneficiary of this stop, and the method of re-subscribing to the service, and the additional cost if he wishes to continue in it or provide the option to subscribe to a new package.


Clause (3)       Financial guarantee specified by the company


3-1      The Company has the right to determine a financial guarantee for some services in proportion to the nature of the service provided to the beneficiary. The Company undertakes to deliver a receipt for the amount of the paid guarantee. In the event that the service provided is terminated and all dues related to the service are settled, the beneficiary has the right to refund the financial guarantee amount by submitting the guarantee receipt or submitting a written request signed by the person concerned or the person authorized to sign.


3-2      The Company has the right to deduct the financial guarantee amount from the amounts due to the beneficiary in case of non-payment on the dates specified by the Company, unless those amounts are disputed.







Clause (4)       Company's Obligations

4-1      The Company is committed to providing all its services in accordance with the licenses granted to it, laws, regulations, decisions, and all legislative and regulatory frameworks issued by the Authority.


4-2      The Company is committed to ensuring that all terms and obligations of the telecommunications services provided to all beneficiaries are on a fair basis and without any discrimination in accordance with the practices of the Authority.


4-3      When the Beneficiary changes the payment method from prepaid to postpaid, the Company is obligated to notify the Beneficiary of the remaining balance and the service balance that he will lose. The Company shall enable the Beneficiary to use or refund the remaining balance and the service balance when changing the package or service for prepaid numbers.


4-5      The Company guarantees that the phone SIM card, whatever it may be, is free from any defects in design, manufacture, or materials used, provided that it is used in accordance with the Company's instructions and recommendations.


4-6      In the event that the Beneficiary chooses packages or offers associated with an electronic device, the Company's responsibility towards the Beneficiary as a result of the defect in the electronic device and its accessories is based on the warranty of the device manufacturer. In this case, the Beneficiary shall contact the manufacturer directly.


4-7      The Company is committed, in the event that it applies a new tariff or modifies some of the existing tariff conditions for the service or modifies the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to the following:


  • Obtain prior approval from the Authority.
  • The Company shall ensure that beneficiaries are notified of this through one of the following means:
    • Beneficiary service centers and retail outlets.
    • The Company's website and social media channels.

The Authority may determine the method it deems appropriate, and the new tariff and amended conditions shall come into effect within the legal period specified by the Authority.


4-8      The Company has the right, after obtaining the Beneficiary's prior consent, to promote the services it provides at the address provided upon registration by notifying him as follows:


  • If the Beneficiary is a natural person:


By phone call, SMS, social media, or email. If the Beneficiary is a legal entity (a company):


Communication will be done with the authorized person in the Beneficiary company or through the company's website or social media channels.

In all cases, the Beneficiary has the right to request to stop receiving promotional messages for these services by contacting the Company or one of its branches or any communication method provided by the Company.




Clause (5) : Beneficiary's Obligations


5-1      The Beneficiary has the right to agree with the Company on a consumption limit, either cumulative or monthly. In all cases, the bill cannot exceed the agreed-upon consumption limit. If the beneficiary exceeds the agreed-upon consumption limit, the company has no right to claim payment for the excess amount.


5-2      Without prejudice to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law and its executive regulation, the Beneficiary shall provide all correct information that the Company may request in order to enable it to fulfill its obligations under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.


5-3      Without prejudice to the penalties stipulated in the Telecommunications Regulation Law issued pursuant to Royal Decree No. 30/2002, the Beneficiary shall not have the right to redistribute the internet service outside the contracted residential/commercial unit and shall bear all legal responsibility if this violation is proven.


The Authority or the Company may terminate the service to the Beneficiary if it is proven that this violation has occurred and may prevent the service from being provided to him for the period specified by the Authority.


5-4      The Beneficiary may not dispose the devices purchased via installments before paying the full price in installments.


5-5      The Beneficiary shall pay all fees specified for the services provided to him. The Beneficiary shall also be responsible for all uses that occur through his landline or mobile phone, including use by anyone as long as it is done through the Beneficiary's registered number. In the event that the Beneficiary delays in paying the fees specified for the services provided, the Company has the right to suspend the service provided to the number with outstanding financial obligations.


5-6      In case of loss or theft of the password, line, or any of the cases related to it, such as loss of the SIM card, the Beneficiary shall notify the Company immediately of the incident to stop the service. In this case, the Beneficiary shall not bear any obligations after notifying the Company. 


5-7      The Beneficiary undertakes to return all devices provided by the Company, which are its property, upon termination of the service provided, with the exception of invoiced devices.


Clause (6): Billing period, payment methods, and claim period

6-1      The Company shall issue a periodic and regular invoice every month that includes details of the prices of the provided telecommunications services.


This invoice shall clarify the tariffs for local and international calls and data, as well as the applicable monthly tariff and the amounts due for payment. It also commits itself not to bill the Beneficiary after stopping/disconnecting the service.


The Company shall commit to publishing full information about the applicable tariffs on the Company's website or its application, providing it in the Beneficiaries' service centers, and notifying all Beneficiaries of those tariffs upon subscription.


6-2      Billing for the call service and data service shall be collected on the basis of the following:


  • Call service: The call period - (seconds).
  • Data service: Number of (kilobytes) consumed.


6-3      The subscription fee in the first monthly invoice shall be calculated in proportion to the monthly subscription and the number of days of subscription in the month. Then, the monthly subscription fee shall be added to the usage invoice to determine the value of the first monthly invoice. As for additional subscriptions, such as device installments, the fees shall be calculated in full and not in proportion.


6-4      The Company shall commit to sending the invoice to the Beneficiary via e-mail or SMS. The Beneficiary shall also have the right to obtain a copy of the invoice from any beneficiary service outlet or from the Company's collection agents. 


6-5      The Beneficiary shall commit to settling his financial obligations, by any of the following means:

  • Company outlets.
  • The Company's website or application.
  • Automated payment machines, available in public places and operating around the clock, seven days a week.
  • Any of the Company's collection agents.
  • Any of the banks that accept payment of the Company's invoices and a list of these banks can be obtained from the Beneficiary service outlets or from the website.
  • Any other channels offered by the Company in the future.


6-6      The Company shall issue invoices within a period of (90) ninety days from the date of service provision. The Company shall not issue any invoice for the charges of any of the services after that period, except in the event of a technical fault as estimated by the Authority. The Company shall also not bill any service in advance for Beneficiaries who have chosen the deferred payment system.


6-7      In the event of issuing the invoice, the Company shall commit to installments the value of the international roaming invoice over monthly installments equivalent to the delay period, and to clarify the details of these dues and notify the Beneficiary thereof, and the Beneficiary shall not bear any additional financial obligations.

6-8      The company is obligated to notify the Authority in writing of cases of delay in issuing invoices if the percentage of this delay reaches (10%) ten percent of the invoices owed to the beneficiaries or more. In this case, the Company is obligated to announce the delay and its reasons.


6-9      The Company's right to claim amounts invoiced for service fees and other due amounts shall lapse after one year from the date of invoice issuance without any action taken by the Company to collect them.


6-10    A fair usage policy applies to certain packages, and its details are explained in the terms and conditions of each package.


6-11    The Beneficiary is obliged to review the invoice and verify the correctness of the information contained therein, and to notify the Company of any errors within a period not exceeding ninety (90) days from the date of invoice issuance.


The Beneficiary has the right to submit inquiries or questions related to invoices, which may include the following:


  • The accuracy of invoice details, fees, and amounts for all types of usage.
  • Disputes over the accuracy of calls.
  • Long durations of international and local calls.
  • Collection of charges that were erroneously computed.
  • Disconnection of service without valid reason.


Clause (7)       Basic Requirements for Service Quality


7-1      The Company is committed to providing the service to the Beneficiary in accordance with the provisions of the Telecommunications Services Quality Regulations. In the event that the services are not provided in accordance with the agreed-upon quality, the Company shall be obligated to consider compensating the Beneficiary, with the exception of cases of force majeure.


7-2      In the event that the service is affected, the Company shall make every effort to restore the service as soon as possible, taking into account the regulations and guidelines issued by the Authority in this regard.


The Beneficiary shall be exempt from paying the fees for the service provided to him if such exemption is due to cases of force majeure or in case of continuous service interruption for a period of time longer than that stipulated in the Telecommunications Services Disconnection Regulations issued by the Authority.


Clause (8)       Services Related to Telecommunications Services


8-1      Inquiries and claims related to services, features, or products can be submitted by contacting the Beneficiary Service Center at number 1234, or through the company's application, visiting Beneficiary Service Centers, or through the Company's website or social media.


Clause (9)       Technical Malfunctions in Telecommunications Services


9-1      The Beneficiary can report technical issues by calling 1234, visiting customer service centers, through the Company website, the Company App, or social media applications.


9-2      When the user reports technical issues, it shall provide the Company with all the required details, including: phone number, name, and description of the problem.

The Company shall immediately take the initiative to resolve the problem, and if this is not possible, the company shall record it as a report and provide the user with a reference number.


9-3      The Company is committed to inspecting and repairing technical issues as quickly as possible, within the time frames specified in the regulatory guidelines issued by the Authority.



Clause (10)     Emergency Services


10-1    The user can call the toll-free number 9999 in case of emergencies and shall be connected to the relevant authority.



10-2    In the event that the user is exposed to any cybercrimes, it should report it to the Royal Oman Police, and the Company shall cooperate with the actions taken by the Royal Oman Police to provide appropriate support.


Clause (11)     Beneficiary Complaints to the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority


11-1    The Beneficiary's complaint about the service should be submitted to the company in accordance with the provisions of the regulations for handling user complaints issued by the Company.


The Company shall resolve the complaint within a period not exceeding five (5) days from the date of submission, and within one working day for urgent cases specified by the Authority and issue a decision accordingly. If this period passes without resolution, it shall be considered a rejection of the complaint. The complaint shall include relevant facts and the solution proposed by the Company to make a decision on any of the following matters:


  • Bills or complaints related to malfunctions or service.
  • Observations on the quality of the service provided.
  • Financial obligations imposed on the user as a condition for continuing to receive the service or to obtain it.
  • Service disconnection or reconnection.
  • Interpretation of service terms.
  • Interpretation or application of any tariffs set by the authority.
  • Handling the user’s confidential information.
  • Any breach of confidentiality or privacy terms in the company’s license.
  • Any other matters within the authority’s jurisdiction.


Clause (12)     Suspension, Interruption, and Termination of Service


12-1    Either party may terminate the contract/service, provided that the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be adhered to, in addition to complying with the rules and regulations set by the Authority.


12-2    If the Beneficiary fails to pay any of the monthly installments due to the Company, the Company has the right to suspend the service provided to the user after notifying it.


12-3    Without prejudice to any fines or financial obligations that may result from the termination of the service before its expiry date, the user may request termination of the service through the following methods:


  • Visiting one of the Company’s outlets.
  • Using the same method through which it subscribed to the service and following the procedures applicable at the company.


Upon suspension or cancellation/termination of the service, the Company shall facilitate the Beneficiary’s request to terminate, change, or temporarily suspend the subscribed package, either by contacting the center or using electronic means. The final bill shall be issued to the user after settling all amounts due to the company.


After the expiration of the minimum subscription period specified in the service contract between the parties, the service contract remains in effect indefinitely until the Beneficiary terminates the service, and the Beneficiary shall pay all due amounts except the early termination fee.


12-4    Without prejudice to other termination rights under this Agreement, the Company has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, subject to the following conditions:


  • Providing notice of termination within the legal period before terminating the Agreement.
  • The Company shall provide justified reasons for terminating the Agreement.


12-5    The Company has the right to temporarily suspend or restrict the use of any service, with notice to the Beneficiary at least five (5) business days in advance, in the following cases:

  • The user's non-compliance with the service terms.
  • Exceeding the specified usage limit.
  • Delay in paying bills or any amounts due to the Company.



Subject to the provisions of the previous paragraph, the Company has the right to permanently suspend or restrict the use of any service in the following cases:


  • If the user utilizes the service for illegal activities, fraud, or criminal activities.
  • Any activity that could have a negative impact on the network.
  • Or by order of the competent judicial authorities.


12-6    If the suspension of the service is due to a delay in paying bills or any financial amounts due to the Company, the service shall be restored after paying the bills and settling the amounts due to the Company. In the event of a technical problem that prevents the Company from reconnecting the service to the user, the user has the right to receive appropriate compensation calculated on a pro rata basis of the subscription for the period of interruption. However, if the reason for the suspension is the loss or theft of the chip, the service shall be restored upon visiting the nearest Company outlet or other channels determined by the Company from time to time.


12-7    The Company, at its discretion and after obtaining the necessary approvals from the Authority and notifying the user, may change the technical specifications of the services, provided that these changes do not significantly affect the performance of the provided service.


Without prejudice to the Telecommunications Service Interruption Regulations issued by the Authority, the Company may temporarily suspend the service for operational reasons such as: maintenance, service development, updates, or in emergencies.


Clause (13)     Fixed line 


13-1    Postpaid fixed line and Mobile service


Account data shall be updated after full payment of all outstanding amounts, and in case of delay in payment of amounts due to the company, the Company has the right to restrict the service and consequently to suspend it. 


The Company issues invoices for the calendar month at the beginning of the following month, with the understanding that invoices shall be paid before the specified due date. If the outstanding amounts are not settled, the services shall be suspended until payment, and if the suspension of the service continues without full payment of the outstanding amounts, the company has the right to terminate the service and recycle the number in accordance with the decisions issued by the authority in this regard.


Without prejudice to the above, the user's account shall be closed without affecting the company's right to take any action to mitigate damage in accordance with this agreement and applicable laws.



13-2    Prepaid fixed line service. 


If the amounts dues for the service are not paid, the company shall take the following actions:


  • Block outgoing and incoming calls for the first 30 days.
  • After the first 30 days, the number shall enter a holding period, determined according to the regulatory frameworks issued by the Authority.


If the account not renewed during the holding period, the user shall lose their number, and the Company has the right to take remedial actions available under the Agreement or applicable laws.


If the user requests reconnection of the service after the holding period, the request shall be treated as a new one, with priority given to assigning the same number as long as it has not been assigned to another user.

No charges shall be incurred for the period during which the service was suspended. The user's right to claim any remaining balance after the suspension period shall be forfeited.


Clause (14)     Mobile phone 


14-1    Prepaid mobile service. 


  • The validity period for prepaid mobile service is ninety (90) days, starting from the first call or any subsequent recharge or balance transfer.
  • After the ninety (90) days, canceled numbers enter a holding period of another ninety (90) days according to the national numbering plan issued by the authority or other regulatory frameworks governing numbers.
  • If the balance is recharged during the grace period, a new validity period shall begin.


If the user does not recharge the balance during the grace period, the service shall be suspended, and the user shall lose the remaining balance in their account within six months from the recharge date or when the number is switched from prepaid (Hayyak) to postpaid (Baquati). The Company shall notify the user one week before the temporary suspension of the service through other registered numbers of the user or by any other available means.


14-2    Upon the user's request to suspend the service, the Company shall refund the deposit after the user fulfills all financial obligations owed to the Company.


If a year has passed since the user subscribed to the service and it have shown irregular payment behavior, such as failing to settle dues more than once in the last twelve (12) months, the Company may decide whether to refund the deposit.


14-3    A request to refund the deposit should be submitted at one of the Company's service outlets by filling out the refund form and presenting identification and the deposit receipt.


Upon service termination, the final bill must be settled, and the deposit shall be refunded in cash according to the company's procedures.


Clause (15)     Reassignment of Prepaid and Postpaid Mobile Numbers


15-1    In case of account termination or non-renewal during the reservation period: 


The user loses their number without affecting the Company's right to take damage recovery actions, in accordance with the Agreement or applicable laws.


If the user requests reconnection after the holding period ends: 


  • Their request shall be treated as a new request. 
  • Priority shall be given to the user in allocating the same number, provided it has not been allocated to another user or is not among the special numbers allocated through an auction.


Clause (16)     Confidentiality of User Data and Information


16-1    Without prejudice to the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law and its executive regulation, the Company or its authorized agents for selling prepaid services have the right to obtain personal information from the user for the purposes of providing the service, sending bills, directory information, and credit assessment according to the privacy policy approved by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority. The company shall obtain the user's consent for any other use not stipulated.


16-2    The Company shall disclose any user-specific information to the entities specified in the Criminal Procedure Law, the Telecommunications Regulatory Law, or any other relevant law upon receiving an official request.


Clause (17)     Operator Assistance and Directory Publication


17-1    The Beneficiary's name and fixed-telephone number will appear in the directory for those subscribed to this service. The number shall be used solely for directory and assistance purposes, and no other information shall be displayed beyond what is permitted under the applicable regulations.


Clause (18)     Transfer of Number Ownership


18-1    All telecommunications numbers are publicly owned, and the authority shall be responsible for determining, allocating, reallocating, reserving, modifying, and retrieving them at its discretion. Therefore, the phone number assigned to the user by the Company is not considered its property. The phone number may be changed or withdrawn at any time after notifying the user, in accordance with the regulatory frameworks issued by the Authority in this regard.


18-2    The Company has the right – upon notifying the user – to reallocate the user's number for technical reasons and shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, or cost incurred by the user due to this. When reallocating or distributing numbers, the Company adheres to the instructions issued by the Authority in this regard.


If the user does not accept the reallocation of their number, they have the right to:


  • Terminate the service, with the obligation to pay all amounts due up to the termination date.
  • File a complaint with the Authority.


18-3    In the event of the Beneficiary's transfer to another operator, the user has the right to retain their current number in accordance with the applicable regulatory frameworks issued by the Authority.


Clause (19)     Access to User’s Property


19-1    The Beneficiary shall allow Company employees to enter its property (service location) to perform specific tasks related to providing the service, provided that they shall be notified in advance and a mutually agreed-upon entry time shall be set, taking into account that such appointments should not be during commonly recognized rest periods. 


19-2    In all cases, Company employees allowed to enter the user’s property shall not cause any damage to the property and to remove all debris resulting from their activities, restoring the property to its original state. In case of property or content damage, the Company shall bear responsibility for it.      


Clause (20)     Limitations of Liability


20-1    The Company shall be exempted from liability to the user for fulfilling any of its obligations or providing services if this is due to force majeure. 


20-2    Without prejudice to the provisions of the law and the Company’s obligations under the decisions and licenses issued by the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, the Company acknowledges that it will not be liable to the user under any circumstances for consequential, indirect, or special damages or loss of profits and does not bear any other responsibility to the user except in cases of gross negligence or deliberate misconduct by the Company, its officials, or employees. 


20-3    The Company shall be exempted from ensuring the network's operation on mobile communication devices with incorrect, counterfeit, or duplicated International Mobile Equipment Identifiers (IMEI).


Clause (21)     Copyright


21-1    All content provided through the Company’s services shall be protected by copyright and may not be distributed or supplied by the user to others without obtaining written consent from the copyright owner.


Clause (22)     Applicable Law

22-1    The service terms are governed by the provisions of the Telecommunications Regulatory Law issued by Royal Decree No. 30\2002 and its amendments, as well as all other relevant Omani laws.

Required documents for the Fixed Business Broadband (FBB) Agreement
  • A signed and sealed guarantee letterform the establishment undertaking to settle all bills related to the internet service (This must be on the official original letterhead prints NOT on a photocopy or a computer print.) (International with one year contractor without/Local etc) should be stated clearly on the letter. Applications will be rejected in case of noncompliance.
  • Copy of commercial registration certificate must be verified.
  • Copy of authorized signature must be verified.
  • PRO's lD and Labour card to be verified
  • A letter of authorization from the establishment to the PRO is to be attached.
  • Company’s seal is essential.
Terms and conditions of the service
  • Standard customer agreement approved by Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) shall apply.
  • Service shall commence on the date specified by Omantel in writing.
    • The customer shall not use the service or user identification or password granted by Omantel for: a) Persistently sending messages without valid and good reason, causing any threat, harassment, annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety to any person whosoever. b) Any other criminal or unlawful purpose such as but not limited to vice, gambling or obscenity or for carrying out any activity which is contrary to the social, cultural, political, or religious values of the Sultanate of Oman.
    • The service is personal. Customer shall not be entitled to trade on connectivity, resell, hire, transfer, assign or otherwise dispose of the service without the prior written approval of Omantel.
    • Any misuse or abuse of the service and any breach or violations of these conditions shall be at the sole risk, responsibility and cost of the customer. The customer shall indemnity and holds harmless Omantel against any liability arising directly or indirectly as a result of the misuse or abuse of the service or breach or violation of these conditions by the customer. However, nothing herein shall be taken or understood as prohibiting Omantel or restricting its right to initiate such criminal or civil proceedings as it deems appropriate against the Customer for enforcement of these conditions.
  • The Customer shall protect the secrecy of the password assigned to him at all times and shall ensure that the same is not revealed or disclosed in any manner whatsoever to any person or persons whomsoever. The Customer shall be fully responsible for and shall bear all charges, losses and damages arising from any use of his or her user identification and/or password by whosoever and howsoever the same may arise.
    • It is advisable that the customer changes the password from time to time to ensure security.
    • The customer shall, when accessing any other network through the service, comply with the rules appropriate for such other network.
    • The customer shall be solely responsible for the data retrieved, stored or transmitted through the service.
  • Any breach of the Customers responsibilities or obligations may lead to disconnection of the service with or without notice and legal action if applicable.
  • Omantel does not guarantee any specific response time for any method of access to the Internet.
    • Omantel disclaims all liability whatsoever, for any loss of data howsoever caused including without limitation, non-delivery, misuse, or mis-delivery or any interruption, suspension, or termination of service, or for the contents, accuracy or quality of information or resources made available or received or transmitted through the service.
  • 6. The charges for the service will be billed by Omantel monthly and the Customer will be responsible to pay the bill on a timely basis before the due date as mentioned on the bill.
    • The charges for the service shall be based on tariff/rates published by Omantel and any amendments thereto as may be introduced by Omantel from time to time.
  • These terms and conditions may be amended by Omantel without notice.
  • Submission of an application for the service shall be considered as acceptance and commitment by the Customer to comply with all the conditions and stipulations issued or amended from time to time for such service.
  • The Customer will be held responsible for messages that violates public order or public morals and mischievous and unwanted calls, which aim to disturb others.
  • Fair usage policy will apply to ensure fair allocation of network capacity to all users. In cases where certain customers’ usage is found to be excessive and/or unreasonable, fair usage policy shall apply. Excessive and/or unreasonable usage shall be determined by referring to the estimated customer usage within a calendar month.
  • Service is subject to availability of network.
  • A fixed line should be available for internet service.
  • In the event that corporate customer who have signed up for a one year commitment for fixed international service would like to terminate the agreement they shall be charged the difference between the actual charge with commitment and that applicable for customers without commitment and that for the entire used period.
  • Installation charges are to be determined by Omantel, and must be paid in full by the subscriber.
  • After notification to the subscriber, Omantel shall have the right to transfer this service to another exchange assigning a new number should the customer deny such change, he/she shall have the right to terminate the service and shall grant permission to run wires and erect poles on the subscribers’ property through a suitable right of way.
  • The subscriber shall allow access at all reasonable times to Omantel's employees for the execution of their duty for the purpose of maintaining, inspecting or receiving organization plant and equipment and shall grant permission to run wires and erect poles on the subscribers property through a suitable right of way.
  • Tampering with the service in any way by the subscriber is prohibited. Marks, words, numbers, etc. affixed to the equipment shall not be removed or altered.
  • Omantel shall maintain the equipment, hereunder proved, unless there is a specific agreement to the contrary that shall be stated in the work order. In any event, Omantel shall not be held liable for any damages resulting from interruption of this service.
  • The subscriber agrees to make no physical changes on the equipment arrangements of the service hereunder provided, except as may be covered by a written approval from Omantel. The subscriber shall also be held financially responsible for any damage to, or loss of equipment provided under these conditions caused by other than normal usage.
  • Guarantee valid for subscribers failing to pay and new subscribers.
  • The subscriber shall pay RO 5 reconnection fee after temporary disconnection.
  • Omantel shall provide a Fixed Line and broadband Internet handset only when available.
  • The application is applicable for business services and not applicable to individuals.
  • Out of bundle minutes will be charged according to applicable.
  • The subscriber will be offered the highest possible download speed on a best-effort basis.
Additional terms and conditions for Business Broadband packages:

Subscribers for all plans will be offered the highest possible download speed on the best effort basis according to the plan subscribed to.

For Unlimited Business Broadband & Educational/ Social plans 40 Mbps and higher:
  • Are available only for a minimum contract period of 1 year (after which the contract will be auto renewed).
  • An early termination fee of RO 15 per month for the remaining period of the initial contract period is applicable.
  • The tariff is inclusive of the CPE at Omantel’s then current terms and conditions with installation charge for the Business Broadband service waived.
  • A downgrade fee of RO 5 will be applicable if the subscriber requests a downgrade of the speed on the unlimited plan. Such downgrade will only be available after the first year. Upgrades are free.
For Top-up Business Broadband Plans
  • An installation fee of RO 10 is applicable
  • A downgrade fee of RO 5 will be charged in the event the subscriber requests the plan speed to be downgraded.
  • The validity period for each data package is 30 days and any unused data allowance will not be carried over to the next 30 days . In the event the data allowance in the selected package is exceeded the account will be automatically topped-up with the selected data package.
  • No minimum contract period applicable
For Events Fixed Business Broadband Plans:
  • An Upfront payment for this service shall be made.
  • CPE is not included in any of the Plans.
  • CPE can be purchased as an option from Omantel at a charge of RO 100 or for an installation fee RO 30 should the subscriber utilize their own equipment.
  • Customer shall apply for the service minimum of 10 Business days before the Event date.
  • The applicable Subscription fee is not prorated and has a 30 day validity. Subscribers may use the service for longer periods subject to fees charged in 30 day increments.
  • In the event Omantel did not provide the service, Omantel shall refund the subscription, installation and modem fees only.